About us
The Centre for Competency Based Learning and Development (CCBL&D) is an entity established under the Institute of Research, Innovation, and Development (IRID) within the Kumasi Technical University. The Centre provides high quality competency-based training programmes and consultancy services.
The Centre functions on three pillars, namely,
CCBL&D engages in the CBT Curricula development, Facilitation and Assessment, Consultancy services collaborating with regulatory bodies to implement voucher programmes, build capacity for staff on CBT facilitation methods, support department in accreditation as training provider for the University and link up and collaborate with trade associations for CBT training of apprentices and Mastercraft men on the national qualification framework of CTVET.
The Centre also provides capacity building and consultancy services for organizations and individuals in CBT delivery and management. So far, the Centre has successfully trained and awarded certificates to thirteen (13) apprentices in Garment Making and thirty-nine (39) apprentices in Consumer Electronics at National Proficiency I level. The Centre has accreditation for the University as a training provider in seven (7) trade areas from the National Proficiency I and II levels and Certificate I and II levels in Garment Making, Consumer Electronics, Welding and Fabrication, Automotive Engineering Technology, Building Construction, Electrical Engineering Technology, Hotel Catering and Institutional Management which are all programmes assigned for the World Bank and GIZ voucher projects which is soon to take off. The center has also supervised the conversion of four (4) non-CBT programmes to CBT and developed about twenty-one (21) B-Tech CBT programmes.