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Welcome Message From the Director


With open arms you are most welcome to the Center for Social Science Research which is the premier research center of Kumasi Technical University. It is my pleasure to give you a comprehensive guide to our esteemed Centre, and the valuable services we offer. The center has expertise who have more than 10 years of experience in conducting research and have in addition mentored more than 1000 students at the undergraduate and post graduate levels. 


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Prof. Smart Asomaning Sarpong


The Institute of Research, Innovation, and Development’s vision is to become a world-class Centre of excellence in Applied Research, Innovation, and Development.


The Institute aims to enhance collaborations with industries, local and international organizations and other research institutions to undertake innovative applied research, developmental activities, and consultancy services to promote sustainability and general good.

Core Values

⇒  IRID defines and upholds research, innovation, and the highest technical and vocational educational training                  standards. 

⇒  IRID pioneers’ innovations in training and research activities to address local and national challenges.

⇒  IRID is dedicated to fulfilling its mandate to meet the expectations of all stakeholders.