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CSSR Mandate


The strategic focus of the CSSR is to spearhead sustainable scientific and industrial research through the testing of innovative technologies in diverse social (agriculture, environment, gender and social protection, migration and business) statistical and economic domains with relevance to institutional and national development. The Mandate of CSSR is enshrined in the University Statutes (Kumasi Technical University, 2020) and are as follows:

  • Development-relevant research – The Centre strives to assist the University, individuals, and organizations in identifying growth opportunities, developing effective strategies, and implementing best practices to optimize their organizational and or business performance and competitiveness. Through scientific research reports, CSSR contributes relevant information for shaping national and international policies on social and economic development.
  • Conduct of demand-driven research – CSSR undertakes research to shape public policy to impact on society. It also embarks on demand-driven research activities, which are more targeted at the needs of the private sector. 

  • Co-ordination of conferences and journal publications - On behalf of the University, the Centre co-ordinates national and international research conferences /workshops /seminars and journal publications. To this effect, CSSR operates multidisciplinary international peer-reviewed journal, International Journal of Innovation and Development (IJID) which started publication of articles in 2023. 

  • Consultancy Services – Research fellows constitute a team of experienced consultants with diversified background including climate change, water and sanitation, statistics and modelling, migration, economics, agricultural and soil management, land use planning, environmental science, forest management and development planning. In view of this, the Centre offers a diverse range of specialized services tailored to address the unique challenges faced by our clients. From development and strategic planning to project monitoring and evaluation, we provide practical solutions that drive sustainable growth and development. 

  • Source research grants - Solely and/or in collaborations with other institutions, governmental and/or non-governmental source for funds through the submission of competitive proposals. 

  • Run specialized academic programmes - Develop and run specialized research-based programmes to propel technological innovation targeted at solving observable challenges in society. Besides, through our targeted training programmes i.e. short courses, workshops, and seminars, CSSR aims to equip individuals and institutions with the requisite knowledge and competencies necessary to succeed in the contemporary knowledge society and rapidly evolving development environment.

  • Granting of ethical clearance – The Centre evaluates and grants ethical clearance to students, departments and the public who seek to use members of the university community as study participants.